Video Shorts DVD & I Dedeuce It's A Deuce
Fri/Jan/2014 06:33 PM Filed in: The Goods

Come get a copy of my Toy Video DVD for $10 in my shop!! ...and enjoy this new video of ‘I Dedeuce It’s A Deuce’
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One thing leads to another...
Sat/Jan/2014 01:17 PM Filed in: Sneak Peak

Resin toy designer and illustrator, Joseph Harmon, is one of my favorite artists you need to get into. I’ll forgive him for living in Indiana, a state which has been behind some of the worst driving experiences of my life. Which leads me to wonder how much an artists locale has an impact on their art. And one could argue Joseph’s trippy and intensely humorous characters are a subconcious reaction to said traffic and the state’s insane, unbridled love for truck driving.

Over a year ago I saw an article featuring Joseph’s figure Lydia, the cyclops plant with squid-like tentecles, and I knew it would be a perfect fit for my ‘Gateway’ series featuring plants transformed by the effects of drugs. Joseph was totally open right up front and offered to custom paint the figure to the color scheme I had in mind. All this may seem pretty simple but this kind of friendliness is a rare thing amongst the artists in the toy world.

Later on Joseph reached out to me to photograph the Lydia toy that he had made for me for a book that is coming out at the end of February featuring Joesph’s work and a whole slew of well known toy designers titled, We Are Indie Toys, by Louis Bou. Enjoy Joseph’s art look for another posting once the book is released.

Never Tatsed So Bad
Wed/Jan/2014 07:38 PM Filed in: Random

Dang, what it be my kidz? YO who took this photo? Not me! How cute is this? This was taken by the toy designer, Paul Shih. He sent this to me when we traded some prints after the NY Scarygirl show for Nathan Jurevicius. I adored his print and reached out to him in hopes for a trade. It all went down great and I love looking at his print on my wall everyday. And I love this photo he took. Probably could give me a run for my money if he kept at it.
This is the piece I traded Paul for, it’s so cool!

Here’s the video I had made for the show… enjoy