Sun/Mar/2012 06:23 PM Filed in: The Goods
Aw man, it’s here, the season finale of the Walking Dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Here’s a fun little photo I tweaked out in P-shop to make it a bit more dramatic ;) Happy Zombie Night! I’ve uploaded this a bit juicier so you can download it as your wallpaper. Taste the blood!

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Thu/Mar/2012 07:23 PM Filed in: Exclusive Event
It’s 2012, there’s only so much time before the zombies eat your wallets or something horrific. So I’ve lowered my prices on all of my prints and decided to have a month long sale in honor of the robins and blooming buds.
Use code: SPRINGBIRDS2012 for an additional 33% off.

Use code: SPRINGBIRDS2012 for an additional 33% off.

Earth Movement: San Fran
Thu/Mar/2012 07:18 PM Filed in: Exclusive Event
I was so fortunate to be asked to be part of a art fundraising show called Earth Movement in San Fran this March at Kokoro Studio! The shows centers on the forces of nature and features a who’s-who of toy designers in collaborations with young emerging artists and a few special guests including Gary Baseman, Luke Chueh and myself to name a few.
The show will be raising money and remembering the 1 year anniversary of the Japanese tsunami of 2011.

I did a whole play on the Japanese 5 Elements. A somewhat loose interpretation to say the least ;)

The show will be raising money and remembering the 1 year anniversary of the Japanese tsunami of 2011.

I did a whole play on the Japanese 5 Elements. A somewhat loose interpretation to say the least ;)

Spirits of the Mountain
Thu/Mar/2012 07:15 PM Filed in: The Goods
So I’ve been meaning to put this post up for a while now. I’ve been Michael McDonald’n as I Keep Forget’n... Anyways, my great bud Jeremy Brautman from Jeremyriad.com brought a print of mine to Bigfoot’s show a few months back titled, Spirits of the Mountain, where debuted his cool new Fujisan figures. We gave him a copy to keep and he signed copies for me and Jeremy. So very, very cool.